
About Private Soul Attunement Sessions
with Carol May - Sacred Voice for the light:

The Magic of hearing from one’s soul (or the angels or beings of light,
guides and teachers) about everyday events and feelings while we are still
in a body is just an extraordinary experience.

The Facts are, usually the sessions last for an hour, always recorded for you,
can be over the phone or in person. Cost is $150 hr (or $88 for ½ hours).
Some people have sessions every week, some once a month, others
just at various times during the year when they are struggling with a
deep issue. Special sessions are available at the Birthday when spiritual
gifts for the year come in and we do specific healing with the birthee and whoever birthed them onto the planet.

Mainly CAROL goes into the other dimensions and listens to the energy and translates that into words that help the humans understand, accept and embrace whatever is going on.

Very often in sessions, we do healing, past life review and release, receive a soul name, hear your soul purpose, talk to light beings in any realm, look at and release karma and karmic lesions, always Looking At Life From The Bigger Picture.

Lotus Grid

You can ask questions about other people , your love life, job, money, etc. and we can get permission to look at these things. But the soul does not generally give guarantees or make predictions.( We are too much at free-will choice for that.) The Soul often gives ‘homework’ though to help the humans move in the direction that belongs to them!!!

Sessions always include Blessings and Healing to the humans and the earth, and often you will hear new things each time you listen to your tape. The soul can speak on more than one level at a time.

Carol is usually booked about a week in advance.
You may prepay by a check to:

Carol May
560 N. Gay St. #109
Auburn, AL 36830

Carol May , Sacred Voice for the Light

As we each work inwardly and outwardly to know our spirit,
our soul history, our purpose and our destiny, it is always great to
celebrate how many tools we have to help us in our journey. It’s good to
have variety and enjoy the assistance of words and books, sounds and music, affirmations and the spiritual magic of meditation, just to name a few.

Since EVERYTHING BEGINS WITH THE BREATH (and returns to the Breath) beginning your conscious humanized spiritual journey (or spiritualized human journey, whichever way you are thinking of your time on earth at the moment) each day with breath-work is paramount, simple and powerful.

Breath-Work as an Attunement Tool:

There are numerous breath work techniques that work--finding the one that suits you is up to each individual.

Here are a few suggestions:

1)  Take 21 deep conscious connected breaths as a beginning cleanse first thing in the morning and then throughout the day as needed.

2)  Consider the WHOLE BODY BREATH for energizing: imagine the only place you can get air is above your head, at super conscious. Begin your breath from above the head; draw the breath down thru the crown, down thru the third eye, face and throat and into the heart. Allow the heart to expand sideways, like a bellows, and let the breath back out along the same pathway it came in, back up thru the heart, throat, face, third eye, crown.

Begin again, about 5 breaths into the heart and back out. Next time, take the breath all the way into the stomach before expanding into a bellows-- release upward to above the head. Five breaths at the level of the stomach.

Next take the breath from above the head to all the way to the root chakra, then back out, five time; then to the knees. Repeat 5 times, all the way in, expand, then blow out, in the upward path.

Repeat until the breath goes all the way to the toes before expanding and blowing out for the return to above the head.

This full body breath draws super conscious energy into the body, releases fear of death, energizes the body from head to toe and reminds the physical body that YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR BODY.

3)  Try the TIGER BREATH as a way of letting go of anger or other strong emotion you might need to process: Take a strong breath in thru the nose, with the mouth shut. Rush the breath out thru the nose so that you feel your solar plexus move quickly. Continue in rapid succession for at least one minute. Keep a tissue nearby. Relax and repeat 3 times and feel how clear your body parts and sinuses are!!

4)  One more suggestion about using the breath specifically for healing or with conscious attention-- COLOR BREATHING: Imagine whatever color you like each day, right in front of your face, all around you, very vividly.

Begin breathing that color into each part of your body until you are filled, until every cell is that color. Continue color breathing up to five minutes. It is easiest if you breathe the color in, then hold it for 5 seconds while it anchors into place, then breathe out. Repeat.

Ask the color for whatever you need its help with , then give gratitude for that help.

Examples of What colors can help with:

RED, safety, courage, a sense of solidarity and confidence
GREENhealing, assurance, right place--right time, Feeling alive and grateful
BLUEserenity, focus, relaxation
PINKlovingness, compassion, self-love
YELLOWjoy, steadfastness, trust
WHITEunderstanding, protection, fitting in
RAINBOWa sense of having whatever is needed in any given moment, happiness
PURPLEmaking changes, courage, developing sense of purpose, allowing realizations to integrate and become activated

As you know, anything that goes from automatic to being done consciously can transform our life. It is especially true of the breath, the most essential thing we do without thinking, on automatic.

So whatever you want to work on, LET IT BEGIN WITH THE BREATH., add color and sound and you’re really popping!!

The sound can be toning, singing, or music.

Here are toning sounds suggested by the Angels to assist, ground, stimulate and heal each chakra:

Above crownohm
Third Eyeum
Solar Plexus0000(rhymes with you)
RootIII (sounds like eye)
Beneath the feetsssss
Chakras in palms of handshu

Remember, toning or singing your name is ALWAYS RENEWING AND EMPOWERING. Letting music move through your body while you relax is a way to meditate with eyes open. When you play music 24/7, very softly, the over lighting devas (or angels) of music agree to continuously soothe the subconscious mind, promoting serenity, learning and ease.

Here are several other ATTUNEMENT TOOLS:

1) Resonance: Affirmations For Days of the Week by Carol May.

2. A)  Suggested Books to read with possible ideas to consider/paths to try: a) THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by Don Miguel Ruiz b) TEACH ONLY LOVE by Gerald G. Jampolsky to learn about the Seven Principles of Attitudinal Healing c) Any title by Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, Louise Hay, Don Milman , Geneen Roth such as WHEN FOOD IS LOVE, Harriet Goldhor Lerner such as THE DANCE OF ANGER, Harville Hendrix such as GETTING THE LOVE YOU WANT or Carlos Castaneda such as THE POWER OF SILENCEor or THE ART OF DREAMING.

Once you start looking, you’ll find exactly what you need to insure inspiration, love, beauty and possible actions to the MIND and EMOTIONS.

Please include THE DANCE and THE INVITATION by Oriah Mountain Dreamer too.

2. B.)  The best writer for you may well be YOURSELF--Invest in a journal and write down what you think at the end or beginning of each day.

Think about finding a class in THE ARTISTS WAY to develop discipline in writing your MORNING PAGES or just read the book on your own (author of the book and workbook is Julie Cameron.)

3)  a link to my website store to purchase CD’s of Meditation, Affirmations and Energy Initiations for your use on a regular basis, to develop your own rhythm and wisdom.

go to Store...

4)  a link to Thomas Smith (on Folly Beach SC) who works with a SCIO machine and a Dove machine for healing, sells Bio-Pro chips for the phone/computer to protect against negative energy and has info on THE PRAYER WHEEL which gives you unceasing prayer/affirmation energy 24/7:

go to

Truly, when you are seeking to learn and grow, everything and
everyone around you becomes your teacher in the most exquisite ways.

Blessings and love to you. Carol May,
560 N. Gay St. #109 Auburn, AL 36830
Sacred Voice for the Light 904-697-7744

Lotus Grid 904-697-7744 Favorite Links