
The Lotus Grid is a previously invisible, personalized planetary chakra that was imbued before birth and is now being opened like a flower by free will choice.IN EACH OF US, over a period of time between Sept 2006 and November 11, 2011. Even though the grids open continuously whenever someone says 'yes' to it, we hold a worldwide celebration each year to acknowledge the unfoldment process and support one another locally.

Will YOU mark your calendars and help celebrate the

Want to know more about The Lotus Grid Openings, about Metatron, about Carol May and how to Work with Angels in EveryDay Life and even why Carol was named Sacred Voice for the Light by the Angels? read on:

See Carol's New Book, WORKING WITH ANGELS IN EVERYDAY LIFE on our order page!

Here's what the Angels have to say about it...


Carol has talked to and seen Angels all her life so it is not very surprising that her first book is called WORKING WITH ANGELS IN EVERYDAY LIFE. What might be surprising is what the Angels have to say about the book so far:

“This little book with the big heart carries a Blessing vibration to all. It marks the opening of a new energy portal on the planet to INVITE EXCITEMENT INTO THE HUMAN/ANGELIC CONNECTION AND ALLOW INTRA-DIMENSIONAL COMMUNICATION TO BECOME MORE LOVING AND NORMALIZED FOR ALL,” so said Arch Angel Michael on August 1, 2007.

This acknowledgment from the angels adds even more delight to the publishing process for Carol May, who says her angel book is a dream come true for her, as a writer and as a spiritualized human.

“This isn’t an Angel book based on liturgical history or any religious belief system. It is based on my energetic experience of universal love , the defining relationship between what we know and what we feel…The magic that exists inside each moment and the healing that happens when Angels and Humans work together consciously.”

So begins Carol May’s revealing book about how Angels and Humans work together in everyday life. Based on her extensive work as an empath with the Angels, Carol deftly introduces us to at least 20 Angels of importance including the Guardian Angels we all have, the many ancient healing Angels , the House Deva, even the Project Angels.

“Angels and Humans are a team, working together to advance the consciousness of Humanity,” Carol May enthuses. “They make our everyday life smoother, help with choices and offer inspiration, protection, energy, blessings and more.”

WORKING WITH ANGELS IN EVERYDAY LIFE offers suggestions on Attuning to Angels, insight into their ‘Language’, sample meditations used to make contact with them and plenty of encouragement to learn more about enjoying a continuing mutually beneficial relationship with them.

WORKING WITH ANGELS IN EVERYDDAY LIFE you can learn about the 80-20 rule, how the Angels help in times of tragedy, how to recognize an Angel in human form and how to receive the name of your Body Deva.

AND , in chapter 4 , THE LOTUS GRID OPENINGS ARE INTRODUCED TO THE WORLD by Carol May, who the angels have dubbed Sacred Voice for the Light.

The intention in the book is to share with you the ‘everyday way’ to be with Angels. And the Lotus Grid Celebrations help us feel our connection--intra-dimensionally-- with all of life, everyday.

I know you have been feeling “something big” coming in your life and to the world—well, guess what? “It” is here: the Lotus Grid of pure love is unfolding within us now through 11/11/11. See Lotus Grid Unfoldment Time...

The Lotus Grid is a multi-layered, ever-Blossoming ‘opening to life’ response signified as ‘PURE SELF LOVE’, that involves a Spiritual ‘purity of intent’ blended with a Strengthening of human acceptance, that is Then poured, with creative expression, into human Thought, feeling, action and interaction.

See Carol on U-Tube telling about Book & CDs: >


Imagine your own Divine Lotus Self waiting to express and experience in human form like never before. You’ve known it and felt it, hoped it was truly there, serving you. Now we ‘name it and claim it’ into action. You may receive more ideas that you can possibly put into action, over-the-top enthusiasm, child-like love and admiration, a sense that you just woke up from a long sleep, or suddenly see light around all 3rd dimensional objects like your coffee cup or glass of OJ. The nice thing is that even if you cry more it will be because you can deeply feel how special you are and know that self love is very pure and sacred.

Then imagine a similar lotus flower of energy, beginning to bloom consciously, lovingly, differently, divinely, in thousands and thousands of others; and then even in the consciousness of the earth.

This is such an exciting time in history to be alive, knowing that every breath we take, every thought, every action, actually has a planetary effect. The planetary energies—the stars, the planets, the energetic of the days of the week-- plus our human actions (whether we are laughing or crying, learning or forgetting) are continuously working hand in hand for evolution toward the highest.

Let's be really clear about the Lotus Grid. Actually this is one of the first times in history that we will be taking a planetary initiation without trauma/drama. We are so lucky to go through this together, to have help from the other dimensions and to be invited to open the grids through celebration rather than pain!! They will be opening within each of us as long as we say yes.

SPECIAL NOTE: METATRON has given us a unique tool for transformation : each year a CD is channeled with intra-dimensional energy: in 2006, an infusion of ‘possibilities’ energy to release the MEMORY of SUFFERING was given and in 2007, planetary discernment energy was given to help with integrating the power of the third and fourth eyes.

Go to store for Combo CD information for 06 and the 07 CD..the 08 CD is coming soon, probably by June 1.

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